Kickstarter Campaign: To encourage a 1st pledge, I offered the Project Image itself as a Freebie to the 6th pledge, 6 because I was playing off the 6% some site - probably one of the many wanting me to hire them to promote my site - predicted my campaign had the chance of success. But, after no takers, I offered it to the 1st bidder. It is an autographed original. Wearing a Blue Ribbon, the artist whips out drawings on the assembly-line - this was the real thing - NOT the hands-off faux-factory of the cold andy warhol's so-called factory where he had others doing much of his work, allowing him to perpetuate the mystery under a wig and on cloud nine enjoying the escapism of heroin, like his cohorts, david bowie, john lennon, and a slew of other Manhattenites.